The Club shall be called THE INTERNATIONAL LAWN TENNIS CLUB OF INDIA and shall be affiliated to the All-India Tennis Association.
The objects of the Club shall be:
- To promote, by social union and match-play, good fellowship among players who as members of touring lawn tennis teams, have borne their rackets overseas or who are or have been, active in international play.
- To develop, encourage and maintain the highest standard of sportsmanship and understanding among players of all Nations.
- To assist in the welcome and hospitality of International, University and Club players visiting India from Overseas.
- To provide members with information of the Clubs and lawn tennis facilities in Overseas countries.
- To work for the development of Tennis.
- To support and work for the welfare of under-privileged having talent in the sport of Tennis.
- To provide basic facilities necessary for the development of the sport Tennis.
- To discover new and upcoming talents in the sport of Tennis.
- To organize a Tennis Center for fresh and new talent and to provide them basics / coaching etc.
- To organize Tennis matches for the purpose of making sport of Tennis popular.
- To create funds for the proper functioning of the goals of the Club.
- To charge membership fees from the member as decided by the Executive Committee of the Club from time to time.
- To create a sense of belonging , co-operation mutual harmony and friendship amongst the members of the Club and general public.
- To do such other things / acts / activities which are necessary and which may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the objects of the Club.
- All the income, earnings, movable or immovable properties of the Club shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set forth in the rules and no profit there of shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits or in any manner whatsoever to the present or the past members of the Club or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No member of the Club shall have any personal claim or any movable or immovable properties of the Club or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of this membership.
- If upon winding up of the Club if there remains after satisfaction of the debts and liabilities any property / money whatsoever, the same shall be handed over to the All India tennis Association or to some other similar Association engaged in the promotion of Tennis in India , with similar “objects” as The International Lawn Tennis Club of India.
Members shall be Lawn Tennis players and shall include:
- Ordinary members: who shall be Indian Nationals, or shall reside permanently in India, and shall only be eligible for election, if they have been playing members of an International, State, University or Club team that has toured abroad, or State in India, other then their own or if they have been playing members of an Indian international team, or if they have won the Singles, or Doubles in the National Championships, of India or the All India Hard Court Championships.
- Honorary Members: shall only be eligible for election, as such, if they have been members of an International, University or Club team visiting India, provided that in addition, the Committee may elect a limited number of Honorary Members who they consider merit election by virtue of services rendered to International Lawn Tennis. No person shall be elected as Honorary Member of any Foreign International Club except he be a member of and be approved by the International Club, if any, of his country.
An appeal may be made to the Executive Committee of the Council of I.C. who has the power to decide whether the candidate may be elected. - Associate Members: shall be limited to fifty in number. They shall only be eligible for election, if they have rendered signal service in pursuit of the objects of the Club as defined in Rule2
- In the following rules the word “member” unless otherwise indicated, shall apply to ordinary, Honorary and Associate Members.
The election of members is vested in the Committee and shall be by ballot, one black ball in five to exclude. The name of every candidate together with his qualifications for membership and the name of his proposer and seconder (who shall be members of the Club) shall be circulated to every member of the Committee prior to his election. The candidate’s name shall be read at the next meeting of the Committee and he shall be eligible for election at that meeting. No rejected candidate shall be again proposed until after the expiration of six months without the sanction of the Committee, and no candidate twice rejected shall be again eligible as a Member.
Each new member shall receive from the Honorary Secretary notice in writing of his election with a copy of the rules and shall be requested to pay subscription for the current year to the Honorary Treasurer the payment of which shall be considered as implying acquiescence in, and submission to the Rules of the Club.
The management of the Club shall be vested in the Committee, consisting of fifteen Members including One President, Vice President not exceeding four in number, one Honorary Secretary, one Honorary Treasurer, one Nominee of the A.I.L.T.A. and not less than seven and not more than eleven Members (depending upon the numbers of Vice Presidents elected) who shall be elected under Rule 9. All the Members of the Committee except the President and the nominee of the All India Lawn Tennis Association shall be Ordinary or Associate Members of the Club but atleast nine shall be Ordinary Members.
An Auditor will be elected annually, who shall not as such, be a member of the Committee.
- The election of the Office bearers and the members of the Committee other than the nominee of the All-India Lawn Tennis Association shall take place at the Annual General Meeting and shall be by vote or, if required by ballot.
- All members of the Committee shall retire at the end of the year, but shall be eligible for reelection.
- No person shall hold more than one office.
- Nominations for election may be made by:
- The Committee
- Any member of the Club provided, it is seconded by atleast another member of the Club.
- All nominations except those made by Committee, must reach the Honorary Secretary by the first of November before the Annual General Meeting.
- In the event of any vacancies, occurring in the Committee after the annual election, the Committee shall have the power to fill such vacancies, but the members so appointed, shall retire at the Annual General Meeting next following after the election being, however, eligible for re-election.
The Notice calling an Annual General Meeting under Rule 12 shall contain a list of the names of the members proposed for election for the following year.
- The meetings of the Committee shall be held at a time and place to be decided by the President or in his absence by the Honorary Secretary in consultation with such of the Vice-President as are available.
- For ordinary business of the Committee four shall form a quorum, for the election of the members (under Rule 6) the quorum shall be six and for the expulsion of members (under Rule 16) the quorum shall be eight. All matters except election of members shall be decided by the votes of the majority, and in case the votes shall be equally divided the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
- When meetings of the Committee cannot conveniently be arranged, the ordinary business of the Club may be conducted by correspondence.
- In such cases, the Honorary secretary shall circulate to the members of the Committee any proposals or suggestions received by him or under consideration and the members of the Committee shall give their opinion in writing within a suitable time as fixed by the Honorary Secretary.
- The Secretary shall pass on to the President all replies received by him as expeditiously as possible.
- The President shall thereupon declare the decision of the Committee in accordance with the view of the majority.
- In case of any business requiring immediate decision, the President shall have the power to decide after consulting as many office bearers and members of the committee as he conveniently, can. In the absence of the President, The Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall decide the matter in consultation with as many of the Vice- Presidents as can be consulted within the time available.
An Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at such place and hour, and on such day in the latter end of December or the early part of January as the Committee may appoint. Particulars of the resolutions to be brought forward at the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to the Hony. Secretary on or before November the 1st in each year. Fourteen days’ notice of the date ,place and hour of the Annual General Meeting shall be posted to all Ordinary and Associate Members of the Club together with a copy of any resolutions to be moved and also copies of the Hony. Secretarie’s and the Hony. Treasurer’s report for the preceding year. For the purpose of preparing these reports the year shall terminate on March 31st. The quorum shall be ten.
Extra Ordinary General Meetings of the Club may be called:
- By the President whenever he thinks it expedient.
- By the Committee for the purpose of considering any question affecting the welfare and constitution of the Club.
- On receipt of a requisition in writing signed by fifteen members of the Club.
- The Secretary shall call the meeting within a month of receipt of the requisition. At least fifteen days’ notice of the meeting shall be posted to all Ordinary and Associate Members of the Club giving the date, place and hour of such meeting.
- Every such requisition shall specify the business for which the meeting was called and no other business shall be transacted at such a meeting. The quorum shall be ten.
The members eligible to attend and vote at General Meeting of the Club shall be the Ordinary and Associate Members and the President.
The joining fee for Ordinary and Associate members payable on election to the Honorary Secretary or Treasurer shall be Rupees Ten Thousand only. If payment of the joining fee by new members be not made within the calendar month after election, the Committee reserves the right to withdraw the offer of membership.
In addition to the joining fee, every ordinary and associate member shall also be liable to pay an annual subscription of Rs. 1,000/- starting from 1st Jan, 2012, which shall be payable within the first three months of the start of each calender year. If any member does not pay his or her subscription by 31st March of the calender year then such member shall be liable for expulsion from the membership of the Club. However, such expulsion shall not be done in respect of those members who have played Davis Cup for the country.”
Should the conduct of any member, either in the opinion of the Committee or of any twelve Members of the Club who shall certify such conduct to the Committee be regarded injurious to the interest of the Club or incompatible with its objects, as defined Rule 2, the Committee shall have the power after investigation to recommend, in writing to such Member to resign. If the Member so recommended shall not comply within fourteen days the Committee shall then call and Extraordinary General Meeting and in such meeting agree by ballot by a two-thirds majority of such Members present voting and the expulsion of such Member, the member’s name shall be erased from the list of Members and he shall forfeit all subscription, and the right to claim the privileges of Membership.
Alteration and addition to these rules shall only be made by a majority not less than two-thirds of the members present and voting at General Meeting.